The idea that companies can do well and do good is finding ever greater traction. This is supported by a growing body of evidence linking commercial success with responsible and sustainable business. A study of corporate performance over an 18-year period found that companies who adopted Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) policies, out-performed those that did not by around 5% annually. Research into Fortune magazine’s “100 Best Companies to Work For” found that those businesses’ share price outperformed that of their peers by up to 3.8% annually over 28 years.
Most businesses today are engaged in creating wider social value, whether via what used to be termed ‘philanthropy’ or through Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) related programmes. Increasingly business is looking to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a framework for linking and driving commercial success and sustainable business practices.
Midtown BID have identified four SDGs where our members can achieve the biggest impact and value – DECENT WORK AND ECONOMIC GROWTH (SDG 8); SUSTAINABLE CITIES AND COMMUNITIES (SGD 11); RESPONSIBLE CONSUMPTION (SGD 12); and PARTNERSHIP FOR THE GOALS (SGD 17).
By providing hyper-local knowledge and driving collective action, we will transform the SDGs from theory into practical, immediate and tangible actions.
Midtown BID is the first organisation of its kind in the UK to create a partnership with the UK Stakeholders for Sustainable Development (UKSSD), a network of more than 100 organisations across the UK who are working together to accelerate progress on the SDGs.
This offer gives Midtown businesses the opportunity of being pioneers and first-movers.
It is designed to enable hyper-local action on global issues, support responsible and sustainable business practices, and create a point of collective representation in the capital.
ACCESS to resources and peers to support sustainable business practices
ACCELERATE the SDGs in Midtown and demonstrate leadership on core business issues
ADVOCATE and publicly showcase the success of Midtown businesses
Turnover band (per annum) | Fee (excl VAT) | 10% discount for Midtown BID Members |
£0 – £3m | N/A | N/A |
£3 – £10m | £500 | £450 |
£10m – £50m | £1,000 | £900 |
£50m – £1bn | £2,500 | £2,250 |
£1bn+ | £5,000 | £4,500 |
The fee structure is based on annual turnover and profit status.
Strengthen your expertise, influence and impact by joining the network that is accelerating progress on the SDGs in the UK.
The data you provide here is shared between UKSSD and Midtown BID to verify and process your partnership. We will never pass your details to any other party without your consent. To understand how we use and store your data please read our privacy policy.
Completing this form provides us with all the information we need to confirm and process your organisation on our system. It’s not possible to save your form and come back to it later so please make sure you have all the information to hand before you start. If you need any help please contact .